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I am currently a student at Roberts Wesleyan College. The creation of this blog is a requirement of MNE 605

Monday, January 7, 2013


How will you make a difference ?


With Each Encounter We Have the Ability to Inspire Others !!!

MNE 605

Dear Nursing Education Students,

     When I first started MNE 605 at Robert Wesleyan College, like most I was feeling slightly overwhelmed. In the back of my mind I kept thinking that I had personally completed MNE 525 which myself and others felt that there was absolutely no chance at all in being successful in let alone completing. Something inside kept telling me that if I can make it through the last class that this class with all of its untraveled technological waters, that I could do anything. I just once again had to get myself ready for the journey.

     For me personally this presented as quite the challenge. Having issues with Moodle midway during my last class I had already had anxiety that was on high alert. So, I decided to be proactive and get in to campus IT as much as possible and let as many people in the nursing department know what I had been experiencing and what is continuing to happen. I made numerous appointments with RWC IT staff to try and resolve the issues without any success.

     This brought me to the first week of new classes and we went through everything and determined that the version of   windows that I had been using was not compatible with the new version of Moodle now being utilized by the college. This was an easy fix. I left my computer with the IT Department borrowed another from the MNE Program and was able to make my first online class by a hair. I may not have had video, or the capability to respond other than through SKYPE text messaging but, finally I was on my may to an exciting educational journey. Within two days I received a call saying that my computer was ready for use.I was so happy to once again be equal to my peers. 

     After all of that I was ready for anything. My new mentality was if I can make it through all of that and still keep it together I can and will be successful at everything. I realized at that sometimes in life we have to go through some things in order to appreciate or value other things a little bit more. Each week from the first to the last week I was eager to see what new technological challenges would come to me via this course. I began to enjoy every aspect of every assignment. 

     Maybe just a little bit too much. I had some people asking me was I okay? I just had to respond that when you have been through what I have been through in such a short period of time in a program that is so demanding you evolve as a person to meet the needs of the program and welcome the professional growth. I will now have the ability to truly empathize with the student that I may have that everything may not go so smoothly for and completely understand the student perspective and be able to guide him/her in what I believe may be the best direction. I now possess the skills necessary to assist other students in the growing world of technology.  

     By no means am I here to tell you that I did not feel challenged our even want to pull my hair out. But I can honestly say that even with all of the personal things that I have happen in my life. I never thought about quitting or walking away from this program. I am here and my goal is to be successful and not settle for anything less no matter the amount of work or extra obstacle that I may have to overcome. Ultimately, I am a better person and nurse educator because of this course.


Juanita Aikens BS, RN   


I can do all things through
Christ who
strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Human Life Cycle

      Welcome here is a personal introduction from my VOKI !

The human life cycles are very interesting. Different tasks must be accomplished. Both successes and failures are meaningful. The life cycles begin with infancy and ultimately ends with death.

              This time period is an exciting time for the person that is experiencing the journey.

          Having a positive disposition can alter ones destiny and influence an individuals fate,             and ultimately the way they are perceived by others.

                                                                     So Smile !!!!!

                                                                 Life Happens !

Friday, December 28, 2012

Erikson Institute

The Erikson Institute is a private graduate school and research center.The Erikson institute was esablished in 1966. Eric Erikson was a colleague of one of the founders Maria Piers. It was created directly to the response of a critical need for early chilldhood professionals.

The mission and values of the Erikson Institute as taken from the webpage http://www.erikson.edu/about/mission-and-values/ .

" Our mission

Erikson Institute is an independent institution of higher education that prepares child development and family service professionals for leadership. Through its academic programs, applied research, and community service and engagement, Erikson advances the ability of practitioners, researchers, and decision makers to improve life for children and their families. The Institute is a catalyst for discovery and change, continually bringing the newest scientific knowledge and theories of children’s development and learning into its classrooms and out to the community so that professionals serving children and families are informed, inspired, and responsive.

Our values

Since its founding in 1966, Erikson has adhered to this remarkably stable and cohesive set of values that are shared by Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students.
  • Relationship-based education: The Erikson approach to education recognizes the centrality of relationships in all learning.
  • Commitment to social justice: Erikson seeks equality and justice in education and care for all children and all families.
  • Diversity: Erikson prepares professionals to work with populations that vary in race, ethnicity, and physical and mental abilities.
  • Complexity: The Institute seeks to understand and value the interplay of various biological, psychological, cultural, historical, and social factors that influence each child.
  • High standards and excellence: Graduates consistently report Erikson’s academic programs to be exacting but more than worth the effort."

Erik Institute . (2012, December 28). Retrieved from Erikson Institute: http://www.erikson.edu/

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Erikson's Education and Training

While being a student and teacher of the art Eric Erickson underwent psychoanalysis. This experience made him decide to become an analyst himself. Eric Erikson was trained at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institue in  psychoanalysis.Additionally, he studied studied the Montessori method of education, that focused on child developmet. He graduated in 1933. He moved to the United States an accepted a position at Massachusetts general hospital. He was the first child psychoanalyst. He aslo worked at Harvard Medical School, the Judge Baker Guidance Center, and Psychological Clinic further developing his reputation as a clinician. 


     In 1936 Erikson joined the staff at Harvard University. while there he spent onne year observing children on a reservation in South Dakota. He then moved to the University of California at Berkley, working with the Institute of Child Welfare. At this point he decided to open his own private practice as well. He went on to study children of another reservation. He went on to publish a book for which he is known greatly by is entitled Childhood and Society.

     In 1950 Erikson left the University of California and went on to teach at the Austen Riggs Center for ten years. He later returned to Harvard in the 1960's where he continued to work until his retirement in 1970. In 1973 he was selected for the Jefferson Lecture. This is the United States highest honor in humanities.

                                             Eric Erikson's Psychosocial Development


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Eric Erikon's Educational Influence

An Austrian Neurologist and Founder of Psychoanalysis

May 6, 1856  - September 23, 1939

Sigmund Freud's Biography  Part 2 of 5

Sigmund Freud's Biography Part 3 of 5

Friday, December 7, 2012

Psychosocial Development

Eric Erikson was a developmental psychologist. He was greatly known for his creation of the eight stages of psychosocial development. After his death his wife Joan Serson Erikson created and added a ninth stage that elaborated on her late husband's work that took into consideration the extended lifespan of the western cultures. These eight stages were also known as virtues that would be accomplished as a result of conflict and acceptance of the need for a person to experience both sides of  the spectrum of a stage to truly understand the experience and realize its wisdom and worth or virtue.

June 15, 1902 - May 12, 1994

Eric Erikson's eight stages of develop or virtues in chronological order.

1. Basic Trust vs. Basic Mistrust (This stage covers 0-1 year of age.)

2. Autonomy vs. Shame (This stage covers early childhood.)

3. Purpose-Initiative vs.Guilt (This stage covers ages 3-6 years of age and is known as the preschool stage.)

4. Competence - Industry vs. Inferiority (This stage is known as school age which ranges from 6-11.)

5. Fidelity-Identity vs. Role Confusion (This stage is known as adololescent age whiich ranges from 12-20.)

6. Itimacy vs. Isolation (This stage is known as the adult development stage and covers the ages of  20-24.)

7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (This stage is the second stage of adulthood it covers the ages of 25-64.

8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (This stage covers the age groups of 65 and beyond.)

Added by Joan Serson Erickson

9. Old Age 
Wikipedia. (2012, December 6). Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Erikson
Wikipedia. (2012, December 6). Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developmental_psychology
Wkipedia. (2012, December 6). Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Erikson